Converting Javascript to Scala on Scala-js

Besides the lessons (for functions) given by Sebastian, the author of Scala-js, here are some more lessons I learned while porting javascript code to Scala to use Scala-js.

  • Wrap your code. First, wrap your code in an object's body. You need this since scala does not authorize code outside of objects or classes. Extend JSApp to benefit from variables such as document, window, etc.
    object YourApp extends JSApp { ... }
    Put your code inside the brackets.
  • Object literals: To convert the following javascript snippet:
    { action: "bind", data=42, check=true }
    you can use the literal import and use one of the following two constructions:

    import js.Dynamic.{literal => l}
    l(action="bind", data=42, check=true)
    l("action"->"bind", "data"->42, "check"->true)
  • Order of val/var/def: The order of var/val and defs inside an anonymous function matter. You will have to correct all back-references. Hence, the following:
    function changeValue() { value = 5; }
    var value = 0

    which is valid in javascript, will has to be rewritten as

    var value = 0
    function changeValue() { value = 5; }
  • Implicit converters from Dynamic to Boolean: Because js.Dynamics are sometimes used in boolean conditions or for comparison, I added implicit converters so that it does not throw errors.
    object Implicits {
      implicit def dynamicToBoolean(d: js.Dynamic): Boolean = d.asInstanceOf[Boolean]
      implicit def dynamicToString(d: js.Dynamic): String = d.asInstanceOf[String]
  • Warning comparing dynamic with strings: To remove the annoying warnings which arrive when you compare dynamic with strings, you can add the following implicit:
  • object Implicits {
      implicit class ComparisonOp(d: js.Dynamic) {
        def ==(other: String) = d.asInstanceOf[String] == other
  • Use of the javascript "in" keyword
    if(key in obj) has to be translated to if(!js.isUndefined(obj(key)))
    for(a in obj) has to be translated to:
    for(a <- js.Object.keys(obj))
  • String extraction: Instead of extracting chars with
    prefer the following
    string.substring(index, 1)
    which returns a String instead of a Char. It is hard to convert from Char to String.
  • Zero-argument functions: Careful when you translate zero-arg functions to def. If you pass them as parameter, you need to add the modifier _ so that they are not evaluated. For example:
    function loadSomething() { ... }

    has to be translated to:

    def loadSomething() { ... }
    $("#button").change(loadSomething _)
  • setTimeout:  You will have to translate setTimeout using another construct, with a lazy evaluated block. Thus, this:
    setTimeout(function() { ... }, 999)
    js.timers.setTimeout(999){ ... }Do not put anonymous function inside the brackets like { () => ...} else they the function body will never be evaluated !
  • console.log: In order to use console.log directly in your code, import the following which provides a statically typed object
    import org.scalajs.dom._

    or alternatively, you can use the dynamic global variable:

    import js.Dynamic.{global => g}
  • Call object's main method. Last but not least. If you define your methods in an object, especially some jQuery onLoad event, you need to call at least one method from the object for it to be initialized. Indeed, objects are lazily created.
    For example, if your initializer object is:

    import scala.scalajs.js.JSApp
    import org.scalajs.jquery.{jQuery => $}
    object YourApp extends JsApp {
      $(document).ready(() => { ...
     def main() = {}

    you need to include a script in your html like this:
    <body onload="">

  • Bracket access on custom objects. For the call point["name"] with objects like the following, add a method for custom bracket access. You may factorize this method in a custom trait.
    val point = new Object {
      val name = "Mikael"
      val age = 18
      def apply(index: String): js.Dynamic = js.native
    //point("name") will retrun "Mikael" as a js.Dynamic
  • String-to-int conversion:
    • If you use JQuery and  observe $("something").value()*1, since  value() returns a js.Dynamic, simply converting this to $("something").value().toInt will fail at run-time (the toInt method is not defined on object of type string). However, you can do the following:
    • If you find the pattern 1*s , where s is a string which might be null, don't use s.toInt directly in scala. It fails if s is null, whereas 1*null  == 0 in javascript. Instead, do the following:
      implicit class OrIfNull[T](s: T) {
        def orIfNull(e: T): T = if(s == null) e else s

Remember, next time, to directly start with scala-js 🙂

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